Enterprise Fin-Ops Transformation

Unlocking millions of dollars stuck in quarterly revenue by instilling confidence among account owners
IT Consulting MNC
14 weeks
Product Lead +
UX Designer
2 UX Designers
2 Visual Designers
MS Teams


A multi-billion dollar IT consulting company reached out to our team to transform the way they collect revenues and design an optimized UX on desktop and mobile platforms.

An award-winning UX effort to transform the way a multi-billion dollar IT consulting company collects revenues and design an optimized UX across web and mobile platforms.

THE Challenge

Huge Gaps in Target vs Estimate Revenue:
Until now, critical functions in the revenue collection process were siloed and inconsistent. KPIs indicated unrealistic gaps in the target revenue (from corporate) and estimated commitments (from account owners).

UX Intervention

Aligned & Transparent Experience:
We designed a brand new enterprise dashboard for web and mobile app integration with simplified architecture, effective data visualizations and intuitive interactions that equip account owners to confidently make decisions.


To be added

Less Time Taken to Publish
Revenue Commitments
Improvement in Navigation
To key CTAs
Dependencies in setting
revenue commitments


You are the bookkeeper of a beautiful bakery (not so exciting perhaps, but roll with it).

A local restaurant places an order for $500 worth of cheesecakes. You fulfill the order, and they promise to pay you within 30 days. So you go ahead and commit the $500 in revenue to your bakery owner. However, at the end of 30 days, the restaurant fails to pay you the outstanding amount.

What do you do?

Local Bakery
Global IT Consulting Giant
One Bookkeeper
15000+ Account Owners
~$50,000 Monthly revenue
~$500 Million Monthly Revenue
Local Bakery
Global IT Consulting Giant
One Bookkeeper
15000+ Account Managers
~$50,000 Monthly revenue
~$500,000,000 Monthly Revenue
Whether you are a loyal friend, an accountant at a local bakery, or the CFO of an $85 billion company, collecting the money owed to you - while maintaining relationships - is a tricky business.


Starting from the ground up, I took charge of:

1 - mapping user context and needs
2 - sharing domain knowledge within the team
3 - syncing with tech architects to design user flows
4 - translating research into dashboard concepts
5 - handing off wireframes to visual designers

6 - infusing business goals into UX iterations
7 - collaborating with business analysts to develop user stories
8 - identifying & storyboarding opportunities of differentiation
9 - driving user testing/feedback sessions
10 - pitching the UX outcomes & impact to CFO executives

Starting from the ground up, I took charge of:

1 - mapping user context and needs
2 - sharing domain knowledge within the team
3 - syncing with tech architects to design user flows
4 - translating research into dashboard concepts
5 - handing off wireframes to visual designers
6 - infusing business goals into UX iterations
7 - collaborating with business analysts to develop user stories
8 - storyboarding opportunities of differentiation
9 - driving user testing/feedback sessions
10 - pitching the UX impact to the CFO executives

The Process

With these many stakeholders involved and such complex business problem at hand, it was important to progressively map and communicate all the UX decisions at each step to stay aligned.

Tools: Photoshop, Sketch, Marvel, Zeplin
This is some text inside of a div block.
Understanding the territory

Our six-step SEO process.

That will ensure a great return on your investment and gain you a competitive edge in search results.

I initiated research at two levels to be familiarized with:
- system processes
- problem space
- user mindset
- business priorities

Domain Research

Motive: Understand jargon, user groups, tasks, timelines, & dependencies
Medium: Orientation meetings
Mapping: Phased Workflow and Process Lifecycle

A High-Level Process Workflow Map
Revenue Collection Lifecycle

User Research

Motive: Understand users’ current and aspirational mental models
Medium: Qualitative interviews & focus groups using this Discussion Protocol
Mapping: Affinity Diagram

Affinity Map From Early User Interactions

Picture this:

/ Logging through VPN to access 8-10 different apps to source data
/ Crunching numbers across 5+ excel sheets
/ Rummaging through MS Outlook / MS Teams to access past emails & chats
/ Putting together all this info in your head with some puzzle pieces still missing
/ Justifying your estimates to your team and other stakeholders

and doing this in parts, several times a week, on your work laptop, while traveling, or in and out of client meetings - only to hear that your numbers are radically off!

Quite frustrating, isn't it?

A Sample Of Current Tools / Interfaces

From this initial assessment, it was clear that current system's challenges spanned across:

- Unpredictability of time or amount in client payments, leading to 'guesstimates'

Just because the client paid in advance before, how do I know if they will do it this quarter too?

- Lack of intuitiveness, & hence, lack of accountability

I don't understand the current tool. I'm sure people just enter random values in fields like dispatch date.

- Unorganized progress & timelines

Teams often start the chase when it is too close to the deadline, which leaves us unprepared for any unexpected delays.

- Hesitation to communicate / delegate due to unreliable data

I would rather dirty my hands to set commitments. Crunching the numbers myself gives me more confidence.
Looking beyond the symptoms

While these were all useful inputs to refine the user experience, it was still not fully established WHY account owners were conservative in estimating their revenue potential.

There was more to the story than just unifying all the data on to a dashboard. This motivated me to lead another round of research, with sharp focus on behaviors and attitudes.

Uncovering the hidden challenges

Motive: Get to the root cause of hesitance among users in committing higher numbers
Medium: Focus Groups (ensuring anonymity)
Mapping: User Archetypes

User Archetypes

Through these interactions, the underlying pains started to come to light:

- Rationale behind the expectations being a mystery

The target number from corporate seems too ambitious.

- Workflow inefficiencies snowballing into inaccurate estimates

We are forced to provide commitments without enough information at hand.

- Pressures of organizational hierarchies

We hesitate from committing higher numbers because when we don't achieve them, we get into a lot of trouble.

Bam! Beneath the surface of a mismanaged process was a power dynamic issue, leading to a shared sense of skepticism and overarching anxiety.

But how would UX address this imbalanced power dynamic?

Hang tight, because this fascinating (and also a bit concerning) discovery led us to shape our core problem statement and UX goals.

Laying the
ground work
How might we empower account owners to confidently set higher & more accurate revenue goals for their teams?

Framing the problem this way helped us reset the focus while allowing for an open-ended exploration of ideas.

An account owner's quarter in 2D

Visualizing the users' current experience was challenging, as every team had a different set of tools and internal processes.

Few rounds of abstraction later, I had a versatile version that exposed gaps and potential opportunities to streamline, enhance and delight.

As-Is Experience Map

We picked critical moments from the deconstructed journey, and remodeled them using research insights to generate user value. This proposed journey served as the blueprint for iterative design and testing.

To-Be Experience Map

UX Goals & Metrics

All this analysis set us on a path to design a solution that optimizes for:

Must Have
/ Reduced user friction
/ Streamlined navigation
/ Positive reinforcement
/ User engagement
/ Two-way trust

Good to Have
/ Palatability
/ Visual appeal
/ Personalization
/ Mobile app integration
/ User feedback loops

To validate the effectiveness of our designs, we coded in these indicators:

Design Metrics
/ Number of handoffs
/ Number of clicks to key CTAs
/ Navigation steps
/ Task performance time

User Analytics
/ DAU (number of hits)
/ No. of users checking forecasts vs committing
/ Time spent on pages (Lostness score)
/ Was this helpful?

Business Goals & Metrics

Increased Cashflow
Enterprise App Adoption
Competitive Edge

Standard KPIs of Revenue Collection:

/ DSO - Days of Sales Outstanding         / AR180 - I seem to be forgetting :)         / GT180 - Greater Than 180 Days

From insight
to feature

While translating research findings, I ensured that every single UX proposition eliminates the long drill and guarantees confidence in users.

Below is a simple matrix that I used to map each user insight with UX proposition in order to arrive at our features:

Concept Translation Matrix


Creating comic-strip like stories was a great way of visually communicating the user pain points + potential features + benefits

I thoroughly enjoyed creating these storyboards as they not only gathered interest but also aligned everyone on the vision.

Conceptual Storyboards

Too many ideas, too little time!

Given the fixed timelines on this project, it was necessary to scope the design effort so that we deliver solid impact.

We convened with key stakeholders to collectively prioritize features for the MVP version.


Users' core tasks involved intensive analysis of trends, forecasts and a dozen revenue metrics. For them to accomplish multitasking and collaboration efficiently, a desktop-first approach made sense.

Mobile played a part of further enhancing this experience, delivering contextual benefits to the user as well as completing urgent tasks with utmost convenience.

Wireframe Considerations

/ Layered access to information
/ Proximity of Contextual Actions
/ Engaging

Exploring Options: Data Widgets
Providing Instant Impact of User Action
Empowering Users With Quick Connect
Hitting those targets

Simultaneously, I facilitated a seamless handoff of wireframes to the UI design team, ensuring that the conceptual dashboard is smoothly translated into visually appealing and functional interfaces.

No items found.
No items found.
Visual Designs
Going the
extra mile

Mobile Magic Moments

Once the web screens took off, I brought focus back to the unparalleled flavor that mobile features would add to this new experience. Through quick illustrations and contextual placement of features in users’ day-to-day scenarios, we were able to convince the stakeholders to invest the resources.

This are a few snippets from the deck, packaged as ‘Mobile Magic Moments’ that I pitched to senior leadership and business executives.

Step 1

Domain Research

Motive: Understand jargon, user groups, hierarchies, tasks, timelines, processes & dependencies involved in Revenue Collection.

Medium: Orientation meetings

Maps: Process workflow, Revenue Collection Lifecycle

Step 2

Competitor keyword analysis

Then our team at Gladwebs will research your business, industry, and competitors to identify the best keywords and phrases for your website. We'll also analyze your market and make recommendations for improving your website's user experience. By the end of this assessment, you'll know how to optimize your website for higher traffic and conversions.

Step 3

Optimization analysis

In this step, we will conduct a thorough analysis of your website's current performance and identify areas for improvement. We will focus on optimizing key on-page elements such as headlines, headers, meta descriptions, and images to improve search engine rankings and enhance user experience. By the end of this process, your website will be faster, more efficient, and visually appealing.

Step 4

Creating content that converts

We conduct thorough research to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your business. Using these insights, we create high-quality and engaging content that aligns with your target audience's needs and interests. Our team is skilled in crafting various types of content, including blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages. This process helps establish your business as a thought leader in your industry, increasing traffic and conversions on your website.

Step 5

Building credibility and visibility

In this step, we focus on acquiring high-quality, relevant links from authoritative websites to drive more traffic to your site and improve your search engine rankings. We also work on optimizing your local search visibility to reach more customers in your area. This process helps to establish your website as credible and trustworthy, increasing its visibility and reach.

Step 6

Ongoing optimization and support

Stay on top of your website's performance with our monthly progress reports. Get actionable insights, including traffic, conversion rates, and search engine rankings. Identify areas for improvement and optimize your website for growth. You also have the option for self-maintenance and comprehensive consulting.

webflow logo/button
Feature 1

Single Source of Truth: Dashboard

Problem: Scattered data across multiple systems adds friction, inefficiency, and frustration to Walter and his teams' day-to-day lives.

Solution: Walter efficiently analyses the data under one single roof, making a sound decision on the quarterly commitments. The Dashboard enables to view the health of his accounts. This helps in building clear and effective communication with other teams.

Feature 2A

Proactivity: Personalized Calendar

Problem: Jenny faces difficulty in keeping track of her time and causes lag in addressing any unexpected delays in the invoicing cycle.

Solution: The personalized calendar helps Jenny in monitoring key checkpoints & milestones so that she can plan and keep a track of time-sensitive tasks. The calendar also prompts her to take certain contextual actions depending on the events.

Feature 2B

Proactivity: Contextual Nudges

Problem: Jenny has no visibility in scenarios like delayed submissions, high cancellations, deferred billing, spike in overdue etc that directly affect the potential and timely collection of revenues.

Solution: Push notifications for proactive tracking of issues & probable risks in the accounts, plus a snapshot of potential impact of these issues help Jenny prioritize and take necessary steps for remediation.

Feature 3

Efficiency: Native Widgets

Problem: Long navigation paths, dependency on VPN and work laptop discourage Mike from checking information or performing his respective tasks.

Solution: Mike can now quickly view up-to-date insights and check progress instantly. Single tap on widgets can land Mike to the precise area within the app, eliminating manual navigation in the app, thus saving a lot of time.

Feature 4

Seamless Collaboration: Collab Mode

Problem: Going back and forth on Teams, Outlook and shared Excel sheets for clarifications of commitment setting or collections tracking is a hassle for Paul.

Solution: The solution devised helps Paul to mitigate this back-and-forth process and brings a collaborative feature integrated on top of the dashboard for quick resolution. Comments and tagging can be initiated to get a better clarification or delegation of tasks along with ‘Voting' feature for collective agreement.

Digital Brand Guidelines

The inspiration for Zoflora is light, refreshing and colourful – content is aspirational, inspiring and engaging, with a touch of playfulness.


A Quarter In The Life Of An Account Owner


/ Bulk testing with broad set of users
/ Track discoverability and lostness score       
Prioritize mobile app features


I am proud to look back at how much me and my fantastic team was able to accomplish.

More Projects

Local Bakery
Global IT Consulting Giant
One Bookkeeper
15000+ Account Owners
~$50,000 Monthly revenue
~$500 Million Monthly Revenue

Starting from the ground up, I took charge of:

1 - mapping user context and needs
2 - sharing domain knowledge within the team
3 - syncing with tech architects to design user flows
4 - translating research into dashboard concepts
5 - handing off wireframes to visual designers
6 - infusing business goals into UX iterations
7 - collaborating with business analysts to develop user stories
8 - storyboarding opportunities of differentiation
9 - driving user testing/feedback sessions
10 - pitching the UX impact to the CFO executives

Website Redesign

We gave Zoflora's website a modern and fresh facelift using a bright colour palette, custom icons and beautiful imagery.

The Zoflora Journal

We gave the blog it's own unique personality by introducing a playful script and combining photography with playful graphics.

New eCommerce Store

High-fidelity mockups were used to build a clickable prototype using Sketch and Marvel in order to test out key features. At a low price point per item, we worked on elements that would encourage users to purchase multiple items.


Discover new products

Scroll through all of Zoflora's products of narrow down your options by using the sort and filter functions. Sort by fragrance, bottle size, new, and more.

Bundle builder

Create a custom bundle and save

The 'bundle builder' was designed to meet manufacturer specifications and to be intuitive to use. Consumers can fill up their bundle to get the best value for money.

Let’s talk business

I love making connections, so feel free to reach out and say hello!

Need a systems thinker who can drive business outcomes?

Or have thoughts to share on my work?

Either way, I love making connections. Let's get talking!

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Let’s talk business

I love making connections, so feel free to reach out and say hello!

Need a systems thinker who can drive business outcomes?
Or have thoughts to share on my work?

Either way, I love making connections.
Feel free to connect via LinkedIn, email me, or schedule a time on my calendar.


Let's get talking!